Got a call from my local independent bookstore owner the other day that surprised and thrilled me. She told me that the Boise State University Library wanted both of my books for their permanent collection. I was thrilled and amazed that they would even want to stock a local and relativity unknown author. Have I mentioned around here before how big of a BSU football fan I am? Number 6 in the nation baby!
This just illustrates what your local book sellers can do for you if you let them champion your cause. They sell to libraries and school systems as well as the general public. If they like you as a person and respect your work as a writer, they will pass on their enthusiasm and sometimes that leads to exciting opportunities. So befriend your local book sellers and let them get behind your books. Becoming well-known in your community is but the first step to becoming known on a larger scale. Think local, act global has always been my strategy for success as an independently published author.
It’s not a coincidence that my new mystery series is set here in Boise, Idaho and that several of the characters are either current or former BSU graduates. Don’t be afraid to set your stories in the local community. Just because you live in a state more known for potatoes than high tech mysteries, doesn’t mean you should set your book in some better-known local. Readers of Null_Pointer get a unique look at life in a lesser-known city and state as well as an interesting story.
Thank you Laura and the staff of Rediscovered Books in Boise, Idaho, for all that you do for local authors and their readers!