In the shower, on the drive to and from the day job and sometimes before sleep overtakes me, I have been thinking about the next mystery novel featuring Joshua Jones. Yesterday, I came up with a scene that will include Detective Plait, Joshua and Tripp among others. It will be similar to the scene in Null_Pointer where Tripp provides a simple clue based on his vast film knowledge. The crux of the scene is a conversation about how wildly inaccurate TV shows like CSI actually are. In the process of taking that show apart, they inadvertently discover a clue. The scene should be interesting to write and hopefully interesting to read. Exactly where in the book it will appear, if it even does make it in, I have no clue. Ha!
I have recently realized that I can plot out one novel while proof reading another. The act of creating a plot is much different than editing what has already been written. So when I’m on the computer, I edit Tyrmia. When I’m doing something else, less mentally taxing, I can let my imagination go on plotting. My goal is to have Kill Dash Nine pretty much plotted before I start writing it in January.
I may not finish the outline that quickly, because for this book, the plotting will be more complex. I have a feeling that outlines, charts and colored pens will come into play to keep me straight. Whatever I wind up doing, I’ll talk about it here. So stay tuned.
Yep, editing takes a lot less than the writing it out the first time.