- Writers should read this post by Seth Harwood @sethharwood about life after your first book comes out. http://bit.ly/4fKB2b #
- On the Chrome OS – I'm waiting to see it first. But I do appreciate that someone is rethinking the traditional OS. http://bit.ly/2oqhj5 #
- Good interview with Ubuntu's daddy, Mark Shuttleworth about the next release – Koala. http://bit.ly/3wy7s5 #
- Even eccentric Texas oil barrens make dumb mistakes. 2 Billion for turbines he can't use in Texas. http://bit.ly/oNOih #
- Chrome what? Most compelling reason to use Google's Browser is now coming to Firefox. http://bit.ly/10vqAE #
- Rails creator @dhh has potty mouth. LOL #
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