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“The only known record of a Votainion having experienced the hallucinogenic properties of burning ocha was Lord Kantor. Considering how he reacted afterwards, most agree that was probably a fortunate turn of events.” – Excerpt from: The Long Embrace –… Read More »STARFORGERS Chapter 4


“Senator Constantine would later remark that when she heard the news, her first thought was about her daughter Devon, stationed on Ocherva. But one has to wonder if she was also wondering about her homeland, not five short light years… Read More »STARFORGERS Chapter 3


Prologue In the first millennium of galactic exploration, three worlds thrived together in near perfect union. Selene, a blue and white orb rich in natural resources and mature in technology; Ursai, an exotic world with vast mineral deposits and a… Read More »STARFORGERS Prologue

Taking Stock

las – initially via Compfight Today I didn’t write during my lunch hour. Instead, I read everything that I have written so far on my WIP. Sometimes its good to do that and see if you are achieving the tone… Read More »Taking Stock

Writing Update

Don via Compfight Things are moving right along on the current WIP – The Rising. This will be the second book in the Starforgers Trilogy. Every time I get a lunch break free, I manage to sink at least a… Read More »Writing Update