Atom’s Back
I finally had a moment to investigate why Atom was refusing to let me type on the pages of my current WIP. It turns out that it must of been some kind of bug in the file system reader. I… Read More »Atom’s Back
I finally had a moment to investigate why Atom was refusing to let me type on the pages of my current WIP. It turns out that it must of been some kind of bug in the file system reader. I… Read More »Atom’s Back
I’m using a programming editor (Atom) to write my novel, Corvette. Sometimes it needs updating. This is what that looks like.
I’ve switched to yet another writing program for this novella. Now I’m using Atom, the programmer’s editor from the creators of GitHub. Basically, I’m a nerd and I love using programming tools to write my fiction. While this editor was… Read More »Writing in Atom