Squelch Button
I recently reverted to an older commercial VHF rig in my car when my Yaesu mobile died on me. It has to be programmed with a special vendor device that hooks into the mic connection. You can only have about… Read More »Squelch Button
I recently reverted to an older commercial VHF rig in my car when my Yaesu mobile died on me. It has to be programmed with a special vendor device that hooks into the mic connection. You can only have about… Read More »Squelch Button
Here is a look at my Ham Shack as it appears in the garage right now. On display are my HF and VHF radios and my computers. Currently, my primary box is running Ubuntu 6.10. I have a white box… Read More »The Shack, 2007
The FCC has finally ruled on the no Morse Code issue for Amateur Radio Licenses. For my opinions on this please see the post on Geek Garage. – W0PHT
The Geek Garage, a local Boise, ID website devoted to Open Source Programming, Linux and Ham Radio, will be sponsoring a table at the local Boise Hamfest this month. We’ll have a modest PC running Ubuntu to show off Linux… Read More »Hamfest Preperations
Geek Garage Net is a technical net for those Hams who use Linux and who enjoy programming. The Newbie Net has morphed into a leaner, more focused net that is designed to appeal to the more technical members of the… Read More »New Net in the Treasure Valley, Idaho
N0HR Propfire is a Firefox Extension for displaying current radio propagation reports. This kind of thing is useful for the HF bands, and very cool for any computer using Ham.
I had to switch cars today and take the kids to school. I missed out on listening to and checking in to the morning commute net on the local Ham repeater. I never realized how much I was hooked on… Read More »I missed my Ham Radio today!
Every once in a while I come across a web site that I feel needs to be spotlighted. This time it’s AE7Q. This guy has created a host of search tools using the FCC’s ULS system. I found his site… Read More »Ham Radio Tidbits
My friend Dave (K1ZH) came over today and helped me fix up my 6 meter FM Genave radio to work with a tone generator on the local repeater. We studied the schematics and suffered through a power supply failure but… Read More »6 Meter Mobile