I’m currently reading the latest book on writing from Larry Brooks, Story Fix. If you’ve never read Story Engineering or Story Physics, then many of the concepts of this book will be a shock to you. Take my advice and read Story Engineering before you write your next book. I still read through it every time I’m starting a new novel. Serious writers trying to get their work published and read no matter how you do it, all must conform to the same basic Story Sense.
My last novel is in revision now and many of Larry’s concepts in Story Fix are applicable to that project. While reading Story Fix, I kept referring to my last novel and how I could make it better. But I also keep thinking about my current novel and how to keep it focused on the core concepts that every story needs. So this book is useful no matter where you are in the writing process.
I can’t recommend this and his other books more. Get them. Read them. Learn from them.