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Say Hello to King Julian


My new laptop arrived this week and I’ve already put it to good use writing on my WIP. Here it is at work on my lunch break.


When you get a laptop from System76, it comes in this really cool box with a clever shrink wrap that you can open with no tools. I like that it has a Sci-Fi feel to it, because that’s what I write.


Below is a close up of the laptop showing the subtle curve up of the edges. For a plastic case, it’s very tight and solid.


The bottom is always of interest to me, as I hate warm laptops. This one has an intake fan on the right, but it blow out the side, so your lap is spared third degree burns. The speakers also face down near the front. You can also see the replaceable battery that forms a thicker lip under the screen. It actually makes the otherwise thin laptop easier to carry in my big hands.


Not sure what the CATV plug is for or how one would even use it. So happy to have normal sized VGA plug and built in camera card reader.


The power and drive lights are very tiny under the front lip.


The fan air exits to the side along with some USB 3 ports.


I’ve only been using this Lemur laptop for a few days, but already I’m loving it. It’s the first computer of any kind that I have purchased that came with Ubuntu Linux. So. Damn. Cool. I named my laptop KingJulian in honor of my favorite Lemur from the movie Madagascar.